Publishing Engaging Stories in 15+ Languages


Publishing Engaging Stories in 15+ Languages

Cochlear's Family News website needed an optimal and fast editorial workflow together with a user interface that is both accessible yet beautiful. In over 15 global languages.


Mar 2019

Envisioning a brighter future

When Cochlear came to us, they had been publishing their Family News newsletter for a few years on a WordPress platform. The quarterly newsletter which goes out to all their EMEA customers is one of many ways the global company connects with their customers.

Over time, the platform had become very slow to work with. Producing each issue took far too long. Cochlear gave us clear goals. Speed up the production workflow.

Cochlear Family News - Content Pages
Cochlear Family News - Global


A flexible, global platform

With support for an unlimited number of languages, the Family News platform grows flexibly when new markets are added.

Issue production is a collaborative effort involving stakeholders in over 15 different countries across the EMEA region and multiple steps and approvals. Translation is assisted by smart integrations.

A fast, modular content editing experience

The new frontend experience is visually engaging and promotes content in a clear, meaningful way. Subject archives and related articles increase the lifetime of the content, while providing more value to users.

Cochlear Family News - Mobile Layout
Cochlear Family News - Actions


Approvals and Assisted Workflow

Each article and issue go through a series of steps in a bespoke, assisted workflow. From writing to final publishing approval.

Notifications and efficient automated workflows simplify the production immensely.

Clear access levels allows only the right user access to the right feature, and prevents approved content from being modified again.

Key Statistics


Languages connected in one powerful platform


WordPress install reduces technical maintenance cost


Editors across markets work seemlessly together on the platform

Finding the perfect fit in WordPress

From the outset, we decided that WordPress still is a very good platform in its core. The newsletter is all about publishing categorized articles. WordPress excels in this.

Especially with the new editor experience (Gutenberg), we’d be able to offer editors an enhanced and effective experience. Together with bespoke blocks to make articles fun and engaging.

With a flexible and modular code-base, we’ve also been able to keep improving the platform after launch with small, iterative improvements that are both very cost-effective and offer great value.

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